Booklicious: Friday Bookmarks

September 13, 2013


*#bookswithalettermissing, the Twitter hashtag that emerged back in July, is still going strong. Some favorites: Lice's Adventures in Wonderland, Edgar Allan Poe's The Rave, Nancy Drew and the Secret of the Old Cock, Goodnight Mon. Bonus: now there are Photoshopped covers to go along with the new titles. [via everyone+Buzzfeed]

*Harry Potter fans, ready yourselves: J. K. Rowling is writing new wizarding material. [via Facebook]

*If you love book clubs and Tumblr, you might want to check out the Reblog Book Club, Tumblr's newly launched official book club. [via GalleyCat]

*Demi Lovato has signed a two-book deal. One book will be a collection of her tweets. Excuse me while I go have a ragestroke in the corner. [via the New York Times]

*"The idea of going near Shakespeare … you have got to be mad to think of going near it, let along trying to write a rival version,” says one of the two authors writing modern prose versions of The Tempest and The Merchant of Venice. [via the Daily Telegraph]

*Ladies, these are the 30 books you should supposedly read by the time you're 30. I seriously beg to differ. [via MSN]

*For the first time, the National Book Foundation's annual "5 Under 35" list consists of all women. This prestigious award, which is in its eighth year, spotlights literature's bright young talents. The books by this year 's crop of honorees are a mix of short story collections and novels.  [via GalleyCat]

*Hey, fantasy writers, don't expect to strike it rich anytime soon — so says another fantasy writer. [via Reddit]

*In other fantasy news, writer Terri Bruce is a total badass. She sued her publisher for breach of contract after it introduced 260 errors into her book during the editing process, making her sound "like an illiterate git." A judge upheld her lawsuit this week. [via the Guardian


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