Booklicious: Getting Personal with the LRB

August 24, 2010


The London Review of Books is Britain's most esteemed literary magazine. Published fortnightly, it features essays, reviews and the most outrageous personal ads ever set in type. The following is a selection from the latest issue. 

*Let me change the ribbon in your typewriter. Robert Mitchum seeks Lauren Bacall. American man, 46 desires thoughtful overseas correspondence for an affair of the mind. Personal reflections, romantic exchanges and creative musings encouraged. Political pundits and email aficionados discouraged. Reply in kind to: JBS, PO Box 268364, Chicago, IL 60626 

*I am stuck on a rock in the middle of the ocean. No-one else reads these fancy magazines. F 45.

*I've just been on holiday to Brighton. Played crazy golf, ate fish’n’chips, went to the Catalyst Club. Now back in London with a light tan. Men! Write quickly, before it fades. M, 46. 

*Tawny maiden looking to unearth that unique yet illusive combination of Atticus Finch and Nino Quincampoix; brave, quirky & cultivates a taste for small pleasures.


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